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  •   Rayheyob reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Fr Robert Spitzer notes:

    Eucharist - the source of our spiritual leadership

    Background - The Eucharistic Words
    Mt 26:26 This is my body
    Soma, not Sarx (flesh)
    Soma - whole person, body, blood, soul, divine person
    Love is to give life (whole self) for one’s friends

    Evil spirit rendered powerless if we are receiving the Eucharist

    “This is the blood of my covenant” Mt 26:28
    Blood for forgiveness of sins = Jesus takes the place of a sin offering
    Jesus is the one that can give us the fullness of life

    Blood & Paschal sacrifice- freedom from death, sin, & evil
    Jesus chose the Passover for offering of His blood - taking blood of innocent lamb & put it on doorpost so Angel of Death would pass over their dwelling
    “No lamb’s blood will be able to protect you…but I will be able to, taking the place of the blood of the lamb” -Jesus

    Blood of the covenant- absolute guarantee for which “the price has been paid” by cutting thumb & putting blood on contract.
    Jesus’ blood given for us is His guarantee for us

    Prophetic notion of time - If all time is in the mind of God, then God can make all time collapse according to His will.

    “Didomenon” in being given now (at the last supper). God grabs the future event of Jesus’ death on the cross & brings it back in time to the cup given at the last supper.

    “Do this in memory of me.” - Jewish people never thought of “calling something to mind”…they only thought of relive this sacred event (how Jews believe the Passover meal is celebrated each year) - “Anamnesis”

    Eucharist miracles
    Buenos Aires Host - did not dissolve after 3 years, 31 days in water; all characteristics match that of a heart from upper left ventricle…but has white blood cells (which should die 3 hours after removal from body)

    Tixla Host 2006
    Host in Pix starts bleeding, fresh blood flows underneath coagulating blood
    Host was still bleeding as of 2011

    Sokolka, Polka, 2008
    Host was dropped
    48 days in water
    Substance of host & substance of heart tissue was so closely intertwined (2-4 microns), no possible technology could make this happen; no polymer no molecular profile (DNA) was identifiable- which helps reinforce the concept that God was the Father of Jesus

    Christ is giving us a scientific reason to believe in the true presence in the Eucharist to learn more about Eucharistic Miracles
    • Thank you for the notes ❤️👍💫
    • You’re welcome!
    • Fr. Robert Spitzer is a true gift from God. I could listen to this beautiful gift from God all day. Awesome speaking. I feel smarter just because IFr. Robert Spitzer is a true gift from God. I could listen to this beautiful gift from God all day. Awesome speaking. I feel smarter just because I got to here him speak. Chuck Norris can't even come close to this guy's power. Thanks for the notes   More ...
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  •   Rayheyob reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Jonathan Roumie notes:

    Suburban public school life in NY
    Had to decide on Fine Arts as an illustrator or Film

    Sherrif Tinfoil
    The wild chastity of

    Started as a PA (production assistant)
    Painted hip hop sets for music videos
    Work in locations department for a film
    Location Scout to location manager
    Was a pretty good mimic, so decided on voice acting (Homer Simpson, the Godfather)
    Celebrity death match - wrote them, got a letter back & got a return letter with a hotline
    On camera commercial for VMAs
    Realized his call for something bigger

    I felt if God was bringing me to this place of trial to such a degree, I wasn’t sure if I heard His call the right way in the first place.

    $20 left, 6-7 side gigs, but no work in 2-3 weeks, decided to pray

    “If I heard you wrong, show me where I need to go. I turn it all over to you. I surrender.”

    3 months later to the day, Dallas Jenkins called him to ask if he could

    “The 2 thieves” short film by Dallas Jenkins for Good Friday - auditioned for the role of the penitent thief. Asked to re-audition for the role of Jesus (which was only 5 lines). Did 3 films over 4 years, which became the style of The Chosen.

    The material is always going to be bigger than me

    “The Chosen is so popular because we endeavor to explore the humanity of these individuals we see depicted as stained glass pictures.” -JR

    It’s humbling when people approach (Jonathan). It’s not just a regular celebrity encounter. “Let me tell you what has happened in my life - my marriage is saved, I go to church again, I was Southern Baptist & started praying the rosary with you & now I’m in RCIA”

    One of his favorite scenes (Season 3 episode 3): Jesus goes back to Nazareth & preaches in the temple & it doesn’t go so well & the drive him out of the temple & they take him to throw him off of the cliff”

    The most impactful scene (Season 3, episode 2): Jeremy (Little James) always tried as an actor to hide his limp, but Dallas asked him if they could use that in the show.

    “Are you fast? Do you look impressive when you walk? These are things that the Father does not care about.” -Jesus (The Chosen)

    “We all struggle with something…with some sort of weakness. God can use all of our trials to achieve His will for us and all of those around us. It is important to remember to give thanks for our trials as well as our blessings because in our trials we are made stronger in Him” -Jonathan Roumie

    The hardest scene to shoot was the walking on water. Context was they just saw the feeding of the 5,000 earlier in the day. This was shot in a giant tank in a wave pool in Louisiana (half of the size of this arena), standing on giant plastic plexiglass platforms with blue foam pads that float on the water where they had to surf.

    Lonnie Frisbee hippie street preacher “everyone is just searching for God”

    Have a really strong prayer life is a non-negotiable
    Confession, the Sacraments, the Eucharist has to be non-negotiable
    You have to have a relationship throughout every part of your life with Jesus - don’t just bring Him praise in your successes, bring Him your pains & struggles
    It wasn’t until I surrendered everything that God said, “now you are ready for what I have prepared for you”
    God has His eye on you always. He wants a relationship with you.
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  •   Rayheyob reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Bishop Earl notes:

    Entrepreneur- someone who has vision
    Will you manage problems or lead through them?
    The vision is given to us through the Gospel.

    Entrepreneurs have self awareness, knows strengths and weaknesses, and knows how to surround themselves with people who have different skills, people that can make their vision a reality.
    “I love TV, but the TV never loves me back. My wife & kids love me back…maybe I need to prioritize”

    Entrepreneur is a salesman. If a priest was told their pay would be based on the number of people that attend Mass or experience the Sacraments, he would be knocking on doors to get as many people to Mass as possible.

    People want to work for people of integrity - for an honest person, a hardworking person. People are attracted to virtue.

    Entrepreneurs are servant leaders. “Are you willing to sacrifice yourself first or your employees first?”

    Jesus was an entrepreneur. He sacrificed Himself for everyone, He breathed The Holy Spirit onto His apostles, He gave them the power to bind & loose sins, & He sent them out to the world to continue His mission.

    Love makes marriage easy. Perfect love makes marriage a joy. We can sacrifice to the extent of our love.

    Only thing Jesus won’t do is depart from us because of our sins.

    Remember the wife of Lot. Lot chose that which looked best & his uncle, Abraham, went the other way. When Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed, only his wife with him, but even she turned back & was turned into a pillar of salt. Attachment caused her to turn back. If Lot had the faith of Abraham, more of his family would have come. Lot had mediocre faith, but at least listened to God telling him to leave. Living according to spirit or flesh.

    Don’t look back to what was, look ahead to what God has prepared.

    Are we ready for the pain of discipleship? It is comfortable where we are or where we came from.

    Good Samaritan vs others, “what will happen to them if I do nothing?” vs “what we happen to me if I help?”

    Mary always said yes without ever calculating the cost.

    St. Joseph had a vision for how his life would unfold. God shared His vision with Joseph in his dreams & Joseph realized God’s vision was better.

    St. Joseph was a salesman. He had to sell what he did for a living when he was forced to go to Egypt. He was a just man, he put his head down & went to work. He was also a man of tenderness…loving Mary without ever touching her. Do you show that type of mercy to your wife? Joseph was chaste & disciplined in that chastity.

    The work of ours is to share in Jesus’ redemption, to offer up our sufferings, to make disciples.

    Shadow of the Father - fictionalized book of St. Joseph

    Be an entrepreneur - remember the wife of Lot - entrust yourself to St. Joseph
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  •   Rayheyob reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Jeff Schecklebein notes

    Undivided Life
    The Beatidudes Podcast

    Imagine happy family in a single image
    “I love my family & I would ___ for them.”
    Are you willing to be healthy for them?

    How much easier would it be to run into danger in an acute moment in time than to make the daily decision in your life for your family?

    Do you pray for your family?
    Do you pray with your family?
    Do you pray with your wife?
    Regularly, out loud, in free form?
    Do you pray in difficult situations?

    Holy Spirit nudges you to do this
    Fear of it feeling awkward stops us

    This type of prayer leads your family to holiness

    Prayers of gratitude
    Don’t worry about having the perfect words

    Make the choice to accept the tasks of each day in gratitude for the situation God put you in

    Evangelize through your life
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  •   Rayheyob reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    NFL panel notes:

    “God made me fast, God made me worship Him, & I feel His presence when I run”

    Coach Mark Duffner
    Ted Karras - common mission & brotherhood
    “Fellowship is my favorite ship & brotherhood is my favorite hood.”
    Joe Reitz - “football is what I do, it’s not what I am”

    “I am a:
    Son of God

    TK: “Max effort”

    “You are God’s athletes.”
    “Sports teach us virtue. Sports are about balance & life. If we are only about work & don’t detach each week, we are unbalanced.”

    “God enters through the body. Our body reveals our heart.”

    TK: “Thy will be done; you can make your own plans, but God has His own plan.”

    JR: “I felt closest to Jesus when we lost. What matters is getting to Heaven, getting my family to Heaven.”

    Philippians 4:6-7

    CMD: athletes have such a platform to point people back to God

    1 Chronicles 4 Prayer of

    St, Joseph - lesson in humility
    OL only gets interviewed if something bad happened

    In football, the fundamentals never change

    JR: There are only 3 answers to prayer:
    Not yet
    I have something better in mind

    Faith is how important you make it
    Way more is caught than taught
    JR - team spends 15 minutes in adoration each week

    TK: one of best parts of faith is self awareness

    CMD: Faith is how I conduct myself & relate & interact to others

    Every man needs 3 relationships:
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  •   Rayheyob reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Archduke Christian notes:

    When grandfather was 8, nun with stigmata asked for prayers for a young archduke who would become emperor

    “Carl will be emperor & he will be the gift because of all of the good they have done“ - Pope Pius X

    “From now on, we must help each other get to Heaven.” -Carl to his fiancée

    Carl lived the virtue of magnanimity- champion for peace, tranquility, disdain for injustice, sacrifice personal interests for the purpose of achieving a greater common good

    Grandparents both wore the scapular constantly, prayed the rosary regularly, & Blessed Carl consecrated his family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    Zita concerned with teaching children the Catechism

    “Above all, I must not complain. I must offer all [of my suffering] for so many.” -Carl

    “I love you so much, we shall see each other again in the heart of Jesus.” -Carl’s last words

    Empress survived Carl 67 years.

    Let us not let anyone decide anything in place of children who know and love children best.

    Otto refused to meet with Hitler to listen to a proposal to restore Habsburg family to power in exchange for alliance to Nazis

    We all have earthly crowns, but let’s stay strong, sticking to virtue, and focusing on our heavenly crown

    Don’t choose to be a part time Catholic

    “The decisive duty of a Christian consists of seeking the will of God, listening to it, & following it.” -St John Paul II

    “You are not made for comfort, you are made for greatness.” -Pope Benedict
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