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    Catholic Men of America

    Catholic Men of America is a professional fraternity for Catholic men, organized as a 501(c)3 with canonical approval from H.E. Bp. Mark Spalding , of the Diocese of Bishop of Nashville.

    We provide networking and employment opportunities, skill development, education and fraternity for...
    Catholic Men of America is a professional fraternity for Catholic men, organized as a 501(c)3 with canonical approval from H.E. Bp. Mark Spalding , of the Diocese of Bishop of Nashville.

    We provide networking and employment opportunities, skill development, education and fraternity for Catholic employees and employers in the United States.

    - Find a great job
    - Develop new skills
    - Hire better employees
    - Accelerate your career
    - Learn about the latest technology
    - Grow your business
    - Network with like-minded men
    - We adhere to the dogmas of the Catholic faith and the doctrine of subsidiarity and encourage our members to promote the dignity of human life, the joyful duty of work and the defense of private property within the workplace.

    Membership is free. Join us today.

    Rule of Life:

    - Practicing Catholic
    - Pray for the Catholic Men of America
    - Hour of Daily Prayer
    - Weekly Confession
    - Weekly Fasting and Abstinence
    - Regular Exercise
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