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    Indy Catholic Radio

    Helping to Bring Jesus Christ to Everyone …and Everyone to Jesus Christ

    Catholic Radio Indy is a not-for-profit organization established to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to all in Central Indiana. Our goal is to broadcast the beauty and teachings of the Catholic Church and to...
    Helping to Bring Jesus Christ to Everyone …and Everyone to Jesus Christ

    Catholic Radio Indy is a not-for-profit organization established to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to all in Central Indiana. Our goal is to broadcast the beauty and teachings of the Catholic Church and to inform, inspire and challenge listeners so that all who hear our programming may be brought into the Kingdom of God.

    We are not-for-profit, listener-supported Catholic Radio. We receive no direct financial support from either the Archdiocese of Indianapolis nor the diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. We are grateful to both dioceses for their strong support of our mission and efforts.

    Our corporate name is Inter Mirifica, a term coming from Vatican II, which is a call to action for the church laity to be responsible for evangelization.

    Our Patron, Priest and Martyr 1894-1941
    Feast Day - Aug 14th

    St. Maximilian Kolbe was a well-known communicator, before later becoming a martyr in a Nazi prisoner of war camp. He foumaximilian kolbended the Knights of the Immaculata, whose aim was to fight evil with the witness of the good life, prayer, work and suffering. His organization founded several houses for religious in Poland and Japan and published a magazine that reached a circulation of over 1,000,000. In Poland he also set up the very first Catholic radio station in that part of the world. The broadcasts were 100% local and featured teaching, music and singing by members of one of his religious communities.

    After the fall of Poland in 1939, St. Maximilian and several of his friars were arrested, imprisoned, but later released. Several months later, the Nazis re-arrested St. Maximilian, imprisoned him, which ultimately lead to his being held at Auschwitz prison camp. There, after the escape of a prisoner, the commandant announced that 10 other prisoners, at random, would die in his place. One of those prisoners, when selected by the commandant, stated that he had a wife and children. St. Maximilian Kolbe volunteered to take his place without fanfare. The ten were led away to be confined in cells where they were allowed to starve to death.
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