•   Jules commented on this post about 2 years ago
    There were three upcoming movies mentioned at the conference yesterday: 1) Father Stu, 2) The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection, and 3) I don't recall. I thought it was about a Sex Trafficker or Pedophile that was captured, but not sure. Can someone please refresh my memory? Thank you.
    • I’m curious as well
    • Was it about Paul?
    • rogergerwe Thank you for your response. Jim Caviezel did mention the movie "Paul, Apostle of Christ", but that came out 3-4 years ago. He mentioned 3rogergerwe Thank you for your response. Jim Caviezel did mention the movie "Paul, Apostle of Christ", but that came out 3-4 years ago. He mentioned 3 new movies and I cannot remember the last one he mentioned for the life of me. Anyone else remember? Thank you.  More ...
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